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What makes a BFA binding?

What Makes a Binding Financial Agreement Binding​?

A Binding Financial Agreement (BFA) is a legal document often used in Australia to formalise financial arrangements between parties in a relationship, either during the relationship, after separation, or in anticipation of a de facto relationship or marriage. This article will examine what makes a Binding Financial Agreement binding, exploring the essential requirements, legal conditions, and potential challenges that could arise when drafting or enforcing such agreements.

A Binding Financial Agreement must meet specific legal requirements in order to be enforceable under the Family Law Act 1975. The following points detail the necessary elements for a BFA to be considered binding:

Compliance With the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth)

A BFA is governed by the provisions of the Family Law Act, which stipulates that agreements must cover matters related to property distribution, spousal maintenance, and other financial disputes. Sections 90B, 90C, and 90D of the Act provide guidelines on when parties can enter into a financial agreement, whether before marriage, during marriage, or after separation.

Written and Signed Agreement

One essential criterion is that the Binding Financial Agreement must be in writing. Both parties must sign the document to signify their agreement with its terms. Oral agreements will not suffice to create a binding and enforceable arrangement, as they lack the requisite formality and proof.

For the BFA to be valid, both parties must receive independent legal advice from qualified binding financial agreement lawyers before signing the agreement. This is a critical step to ensure that each party fully understands:

  1. The implications of signing the agreement.
  2. Their respective rights under the BFA.
  3. How the agreement might affect them in the future.

Each lawyer must sign a certificate confirming they have provided their respective client with independent legal advice. These certificates typically accompany the agreement and serve as evidence of compliance with this requirement.

Full Disclosure of Financial Circumstances

Honest and full financial disclosure is a cornerstone of a binding agreement. Each party is required to disclose all assets, liabilities, income, and financial resources to the other party. Failure to provide an accurate and complete financial disclosure could render the BFA unenforceable if challenged in court.

Fair and Just Terms

While the agreement can be tailored to the parties’ preferences, it cannot be considered unconscionable or grossly unfair. BFAs that disproportionately benefit one party or fail to address critical financial needs may face challenges. Courts often review whether the terms were fair and equitable at the time of drafting and signing the agreement.

Not Terminated or Set Aside by a Court

For the agreement to remain binding, it must not be terminated or invalidated by a legal court order. If the agreement was entered into under duress, fraud, or undue influence, or if significant changes in circumstances arise, the court may decide to set aside the agreement. Careful drafting and legal advice reduce the likelihood of such outcomes.

Key Reasons Why a Binding Financial Agreement Might Be Unenforceable

While BFAs are designed to provide certainty, there are scenarios under which they can become unenforceable. Parties should remain aware of the factors that can undermine the agreement’s validity.

If one or both parties fail to receive independent legal advice before signing, the BFA will likely be unenforceable. Courts place heavy emphasis on this requirement to ensure informed consent.

Incomplete Financial Disclosure

Failure to disclose all financial assets and liabilities can lead to the agreement being challenged and potentially invalidated. Courts require both parties to operate transparently in drafting the BFA.

Coercion or Duress

If either party feels they were pressured or coerced into signing the agreement, the court may declare the agreement invalid. The psychological, financial, or emotional state of the parties at the time of signing is often considered.

Unconscionable Conduct

Courts will not enforce agreements deemed grossly unfair or that place undue hardship on one party. This concept, known as “unconscionable conduct,” acts as a safeguard to ensure that the weaker party is not unjustly disadvantaged.

Inconsistency With Public Policy

BFAs must not contain terms that are contrary to public policy. For example, an agreement that entirely waives spousal maintenance provisions when one party would be left without financial support could be criticised as inequitable and unenforceable.

Accurately drafting a Binding Financial Agreement that complies with all legal requirements is crucial. This involves understanding both the legal framework and the parties’ unique circumstances. Key considerations include:

Customisation to Suit Individual Needs

Every relationship is unique, and so are the financial arrangements within it. Effective BFAs explicitly address the specific needs of the parties, from asset division to maintenance obligations.

Provisions for Future Changes

BFAs should include clauses that account for potential future changes, such as the birth of children, significant financial windfalls, or changes in employment status. Addressing these variables in advance can prevent disagreements and legal disputes down the road.

Regular Updates to Reflect Current Circumstances

A Binding Financial Agreement drafted years ago may no longer reflect the parties’ current situation. Regular reviews and updates, overseen by legal professionals, help ensure that the agreement remains relevant and enforceable.

Benefits of Binding Financial Agreements

One of the significant advantages of a Binding Financial Agreement is that it provides a roadmap for resolving financial issues without resorting to lengthy and stressful court proceedings.

Flexibility in Drafting Terms

BFAs offer greater flexibility compared to court orders, giving parties more freedom to address financial arrangements in a way that aligns with their preferences and expectations.

Certainty and Clarity

By outlining financial arrangements, BFAs eliminate ambiguity and provide both parties with peace of mind. Knowing how finances will be divided in the event of a relationship breakdown often reduces anxiety and fosters a stronger sense of security.

Need Help With Binding Financial Agreements?

At my law firm, we understand the importance of crafting airtight Binding Financial Agreements that protect your interests. We have extensive experience drafting, reviewing, and enforcing BFAs that meet all legal requirements under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth).

Whether you’re entering into a marriage, a de facto relationship, or planning for separation, our lawyers can guide you through the process and ensure your agreement is legally compliant. Call us today at 1300 529 888 to schedule a consultation and safeguard your financial future.

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